Bell Color Lip Gloss, Läppglans 01

The moisturizing vegan lip gloss has an intensely glossy finish and a pleasant scent. In well-covering shades, the composition contains mother-of-pearl pigments that create a unique, multidimensional surface for the lips, while the colorless product has a beautiful vinyl effect. The velvety creamy texture leaves a maximum feeling of comfort and optically smoothes. The convenient applicator enables easy and even application. The product is available in 10 colors that are ideal for day and evening...

7.92 € -3%  (1 tk)
7.92€ / 1pc
8.16 €  (1 tk)
8.16€ / 1pc
Delivery longer than 1 days
Delivery longer than 1 days
Inte tillräckligt med produkter i lager, välj mindre kvantitet
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EAN-kod / Paketkod : 5902082560210

Producent : Vaata pakendilt

Importör : Vaata pakendilt

Packa : 1 tk

The moisturizing vegan lip gloss has an intensely glossy finish and a pleasant scent. In well-covering shades, the composition contains mother-of-pearl pigments that create a unique, multidimensional surface for the lips, while the colorless product has a beautiful vinyl effect. The velvety creamy texture leaves a maximum feeling of comfort and optically smoothes. The convenient applicator enables easy and even application. The product is available in 10 colors that are ideal for day and evening makeup. PETA certified.

Kalda tee 1C, Tartu: -
Mustakivi keskus: -

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