Matt Base One UV Color Gel 14 Forgotten Grey

Matt Base One UV Color Gel Apply the gel mat on the tips filed with and prepared as a topcoat. We apply two thin layers. Cured in a UV lamp power of 360 watts for 2 min. If necessary, the plate may be covered with the third layer. Number of layers does not adversely affect of final visual effect nails. After application of the gel and cure it in the UV lamp, the plate should be wiped Cleaner to remove the dispersion layer and obtain a unique matt effect. Due to its properties we apply t...

8.09 € -3%  (5 gr)
1617.31€ / 1Kg
8.34 €  (5 gr)
1667.33€ / 1Kg
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EAN / Код : 222P_6392

Производитель : Vaata pakendilt

Импортер : PRO Kosmeetika

Упаковка : 5 gr

Matt Base One UV Color Gel

Apply the gel mat on the tips filed with and prepared as a topcoat. We apply two thin layers. Cured in a UV lamp power of 360 watts for 2 min. If necessary, the plate may be covered with the third layer. Number of layers does not adversely affect of final visual effect nails.

After application of the gel and cure it in the UV lamp, the plate should be wiped Cleaner to remove the dispersion layer and obtain a unique matt effect.

Due to its properties we apply the gel mat on filed with and prepared tips, gel or acrylic. On the natural nail can lead to the effect of "stripping" and cracking

Frequent use of creams and body lotions can cause slight sheen finish gel. To refresh the Cretaceous effect, we can use the formulation Matt Top Coat


Doing manicure using Base One Matt is recommended a three-phase method. The new line can be combined with other gels. They can be an alternative to color gels, ideal for people who impose gel color on the built earlier tips. 

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