Eulenspiegel Profi-Aqua Make-Up Skeletta Girl

Eulenspiegel Profi-Aqua Make-Up Skeletta Girl Skelettflicka Skeletta Girl Design Enough for approximate 40masks Comes with Instruction Leaflet 4 Colours in set First Choice for most Face painters. White, black, blue and pink.

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EAN-kod / Paketkod : 4028362204764

Producent : Saksamaa - Germany

Importör : PRO Kosmeetika OÜ

Packa : 20 gr

Eulenspiegel Profi-Aqua Make-Up Skeletta Girl Skelettflicka

Skeletta Girl Design Enough for approximate 40masks Comes with Instruction Leaflet 4 Colours in set First Choice for most Face painters.

White, black, blue and pink.